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Draft Parking Enforcement Policy in Liverpool: What You Need to Know

Liverpool City Council has recently released a draft of its new parking enforcement policy for public consultation. This policy aims to address various parking issues within the city, streamline enforcement procedures, and ensure that parking regulations are fair and effective. Below, we summarise the key points of the policy and highlight some significant concerns that…

Is Liverpool Council getting Family Apartments right?

Read this First : Liverpool Council Link to Draft Proposal In the last Council meeting a draft amendment of the Family Friendly Apartments and Apartments Design guide was considered by a committee. The committee had architects, planners and even urban designers… However, I’m not entirely sure if they all realise the importance of these changes…….

Essential Home Staging and Presentation Tips to Captivate Buyers

Unlock the secrets to effectively staging your home with our top presentation tips, designed to captivate potential buyers and sell your property faster. In today’s competitive real estate market, first impressions are everything. Home staging has emerged as a crucial strategy for homeowners looking to sell their properties swiftly at the best possible price. Effective…

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